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Strengths based psychotherapy for the seeker, the maverick, the creative... the ones who see the world differently


Revive is a homecoming: a traveling within ourselves to bring mindfulness to where we’ve been and where we’re going.

Together we will capitalize and strengthen your favourite parts of you, and reacquaint yourself with the parts of yourself you thought you had lost. 

The thing that you doubt about yourself is actually what makes you brilliant.

I  love to work with creatives, visionaries, leaders, "misfits" and anyone longing for a deep connection with themselves and the world around them. If you're curious about how we can help you, you can explore our services below.

What we do...

Your number one hype girl, the door opener of weekly meetings with the highest version of YOU, and a trusted professional offering a sacred experience of meeting - and being seen - in your wholeness.  

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You know there is more to life than what you are experiencing. Your creativity, vitality, and energy ranges from stale to non-existent and  you imagined a life better than this. Deep down you crave fulfillment, connection, ease of life, and happiness. Feel familiar? Learn more about our approach and how we can help you revive your life. 

We are experts in Psychotherapy. 

All about therapy

What is Ketamine- Assisted Psychotherapy?


What You Need to Know Before Starting Therapy


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Want a ride or die therapist and not sure we're the right fit? Book a connection session to see if we can be together for the long haul. 

A Connection Session. 

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Complete an intake form here and let's get started.

Ready Set Book.


Download these guided prompts to help you process big emotions, connect with your higher self, and get clear on what you want for yourself and your life. 

Journal Prompts to Process Life's Big Stuff

Steal this!


Journal Prompts

it's not free espresso, but it's damn close:

Download these guided prompts to help you process big emotions, connect with your higher self, and get clear on what you want for yourself and your life. 
