
Texas Therapist Discusses Depression Therapy and the Effects of Depression On The Mind And Body.

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Depression from a medical point of view is often described as a mood disorder. It’s a persistent feeling of sadness that doesn’t disappear within a few days or weeks and it can make you lose interest in the things that once brought pleasure to you. 

Types of Depression

There are many different types of depression, here are a few examples: 

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

This is mostly known as clinical depression, it’s also the most common type. Those with MDD may see changes in weight or sleep patterns, have the feeling of unworthiness and guilt, or have thoughts about death or suicide. Depression has to last for a significant period of time for it to be diagnosed.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)

People who have PDD will experience chronic depression that will present for an extended period of time, longer than those with MDD. This depressive state can consist of symptoms such as having low self-esteem, anger, irritability, lack of energy, or difficulty falling asleep. 

An illustration of two heads, one with a illustration of a brain and the other with squiggly lines where the brain would be. Represents someone with bipolar depression seeking help from a depression therapist in Austin, TX

Bipolar Disorder

This is a mood disorder characterized by periods of abnormally elevated mood known as mania. These mood swings can cause a huge impact on people’s lives. A vast majority of bipolar sufferers will experience severe depression. 

If you feel that you are showing signs of depression, please reach out using the contact page on my website. Tips on the internet do not replace therapy as a depression treatment. 

Common Questions About Depression

Even though you hear the word “depression” pretty frequently, you rarely hear it defined. So, people are left with many questions. Here are some of the most common ones I hear as a depression therapist.

How do you explain depression?

It can be difficult to explain depression to someone who has never experienced it. When you feel depressed, it can feel as if everything in your body hurts. You may feel heavy, confused, sad, uninterested or numb. Depression can be frustrating especially if you don’t understand why it’s happening. Depression may feel like you’ve lost all joy for the things you used to love; concentration becomes more difficult, sleeping becomes problematic, and even physical body aches and pains can occur. 

How Long Do Symptoms of Depression Last?

Symptoms of depression can last for weeks, months, or even years and can make it very difficult to get on with normal daily activities: disrupting careers, relationships, and simple tasks like daily hygiene and taking care of yourself. 

Why does someone become depressed?

People often believe that having depression is a choice and that those suffering just need to take on a positive attitude, but this is a toxic and outdated viewpoint of depression.

Depression is an illness, similar to physiological illness, such as having a cold. What I mean by this is that depression is not made up “in the mind”. Depression is caused by neurobiological, physiological, and psychobiological disruptions within our physical body. Depression may be caused by a relationship breakup, trauma, toxic work environment, financial loss, while other times the reason is unknown. 

Depression Impacts both Mind & Body

What I do know is that depression can be seen in our brain and body, as indicated by: lower levels of essential neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate mood, exaggerated levels of hormones that create a sense of distress, inflammation in the brain and body, chronic pain, dysregulated sleep and wake patterns, and so on. The presence of these physiological and biological indicators reinforce the importance of seeking professional help in order to heal. 

How Can You Emotionally Support Someone Who is Depressed?

When a friend, family or loved one is going through depression, it can be difficult to know how to support them. Emotional support can be important for those with depression although it can be confusing as to know what they need.

One way to support someone is simply to listen to them. As easy as this sounds, most of the time people with depression feel like they’re a burden when talking about their thoughts or feelings, so listening to someone struggling with depression can show that you care and acknowledge their feelings. Try listening and reflecting back on what they said. An example of reflecting what they feel is, “It sounds like you’re really struggling around [X, Y, Z]– that must be hard.” When doing so, this shows that you care and are validating how they feel. If you are the one needing support, see if you can ask the person you are talking with to listen without trying to fix how you feel.

Those who are suffering are told to ‘reach out’, ‘text a friend’, or to ‘tell someone’ but not everyone feels comfortable reaching out. Instead of waiting for the loved one to seek emotional support themselves, try to ‘reach in’ and check up on loved ones regularly. Even if it’s a quick message like ‘I saw this and thought of you’ or a simple funny video you might think they’ll like, the small things can make a big impact.

When do you need to see a depression therapist for help?

Anyone experiencing symptoms of depression may benefit from seeing a depression therapist for their symptoms. Unfortunately, depression can get worse without counseling and will affect a person’s quality of life. 

Symptoms of Depression

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms of depression, please reach out to a licensed therapist so you can receive help:

  • Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness
  • Feeling angry, irritable or frustrated
  • Loss of interest in activities that used to make you feel good
  • Difficulty sleeping whether its inability to sleep or sleeping more often
  • Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort
  • Lack of appetite or an increase in appetite
  • Anxiety, agitation or restlessness
  • Feeling lethargic, lack of energy
  • Feeling hopeless or unworthiness
  • Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
  • Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide
  • Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches

My Approach to Depression Therapy at Revive in Austin

Here at Revive, I will help you identify where your thoughts and feelings are coming from and support you through separating yourself from those. I am here to help you by witnessing your experiences and providing you with a safe space to discuss your feelings, whether that be through our online therapy or in-person.

I will look into exploring the physical, mental and emotional effects of your depression. I believe in using evidence-based approaches, interpersonal psychotherapy, and a holistic approach to depression counseling. 

How Do I Begin Depression Counseling?

Depression doesn’t need to be a life sentence. You can beat this and you’re not alone. Living in a constant state of sadness, hopelessness, or worry isn’t a healthy way of living and the physical effects that come with these feelings can be overwhelming. 

If you’re wondering if it’s time to begin depression therapy, it probably is. Everything may seem overwhelming right now, but with the right support, you can find joy in the moment again. The right therapist can help you on your path to self discovery & wholeness. It just starts with finding a therapist who feels like a good fit.

Begin Depression Therapy in Texas

Depression counseling with me here at Revive in Texas can help you to begin managing your depression, learn ways to overcome your symptoms and build your self-esteem. You can learn more about my approach to depression counseling or more about me as a therapist.

Then, if you’re ready to get started, get in touch with me via this contact page. From here, you will get scheduled for a counseling session and your journey to healing from your depression can begin. 

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Hi, I'm Marci. Therapist to Free Spirited Humans Looking for More.

Your number one hype girl, the door opener of weekly meetings with the highest version of YOU, and a trusted professional offering a sacred experience of meeting - and being seen - in your wholeness.  

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